Friday, November 12, 2010

Miniatures In Progress

So, the list at the right is pretty much still current. I have recently started playing almost regularly with that team and I wanted to try to paint some more of it. Unfortunately for me I am unable to pick out the detail on the models due to the onset of Diabetes (again...) and so I will have to wait until my blood sugar is more under control, and consequently my eyesight gets better. Hopefully that will be soon.

I have been assembling my Chaos army for Fantasy and have everything primed black. The paint nazis at the local store have been teasing me incessantly about the extreme lack of paint. I haven't said much about why I'm not painting, except that I am chronically lazy when it comes to these things...

Ahh well, back to work.

1 comment:

  1. Yep. I was officially re-diagnosed on October 16. I had all the classic symptoms...

    The good news is I am doing very well getting it under control. My eyesight has improved a bunch and I am responding well to the medication.
