Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday and Beyond

What's everyone going to do today? I know that Black Friday is usually a day of shopping and commercialism, but I don't usually participate in that very often.

Black Friday for me is usually a major gaming day. Me and three friends will be meeting at the store to play some Fantasy. I'll also be bringing Battleground to try to get some players for my Battleground Tournament at TempleCon.

Tomorrow is our usual gaming day, and aside from Fantasy I'll be pushing Blood Bowl.

Sunday, it's off to the Hospital to visit Dad, but after that I have a cool solo games I play. FFG's Death Angel, a card based version of Space Hulk, is a cooperative game for 1-6 players. It's pretty fast paced and has captured the tension from the original board game quite nicely.

Of course, I will continue to play video games. My Dark Elf Team, The Nauglir, are poised to win the championship for the current tournament they are playing in. I just downloaded an RPG called Faeries which is surprisingly good.

Well, that's what I'm up to this weekend. What about you?

1 comment:

  1. Spending most of it with T & his fam at mom's. Left the Princess there 'cuz Bug likes her to stay. Today is Day After dinner & visit, tomorrow is pictures with Santa. :) I don't do "Black Friday" either; and I've already got most of my shopping done.
