Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Turkey Day

Hopefully there is a lot for you to be thankful for. I have spent the last year in economic hell, with the wife out of work and the kids sponging off of me like I had a bank logo on my forehead.

I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. My rent is being lowered, all of my kids except one have moved out. I may finally have a few dollars to start my new fantasy army...

As for the things I am thankful for:
My wife and kids are all healthy and safe.
My granddaughter is healthy and happy.
My job is fairly secure.
My friends are doing well, and reproducing at an alarming rate.
I am playing more games than I was just a few months ago, mostly Fantasy.
There is a game store in the state again!

So, have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy the time you have with your loved ones, whoever or whatever they are.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Better Late...

Here's the finished picture of Griffin Dunne, Werewolf for the necromancer team.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Griffin Dunne - DONE!

So, the werewolf for the Necromancers is done. I'll post some pictures of him later on...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Manufactorum Opening Soon

I have finally decided on a color scheme for my guard. The uniform will be a darkish blue, the armor a medium grey and the iconography will be gold.

Now that I have that figured out I will start assembling the guardsmen and their tanks this weekend.

The plan is to assemble and paint one squad or tank battery per week.

We'll see how that works out...