Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Necromantic Blood Bowl Team

I started the Blood Bowl team for The BBCS at Kubla next year. The models were in pretty good shape and didn't require hours of clean up.

I got them all on their bases and then hit my first snag. Once upon a time I had two tubes of Squadron Putty, which is great for filling in the gaps on the bases. I went looking and couldn't find any...:(
I work pretty close to a hobby shop so I should be able to get some for tomorrow.

Until next time.


  1. Have you seen the super glue and baking soda trick?


    (BTW, I still think GW's werewolf looks like a pregnant cow...) :)

  2. I agree. I thought about getting the AE-WW2 werewolf, but no fundage to spare right now...

  3. Yeah, seriously, need to pick up the AE werewolf. I dunno if its even out yet.
