Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm Starting To Question My Dedication

Six years ago if someone said to me "Get those twelve minis assembled and painted ASAP," I would've had it done in a week, tops.

Now I've been looking at my Blood Bowl team for more than a week. They're primed. That's it.

I've been trying to get them going for the last four days, but no dice. I've been busy, to be fair, but that would've never held me up in '03. I can't even blame the kids! The lil' blighters grew up and moved out...

So tomorrow I'm painting. No excuses, no delays. Tomorrow I start.


  1. You can blame my kids... now, GET TO WORK, OLD MAN! :)

  2. Hey I have 3 models painted in my new IG army. I've had five models primed for like two weeks. In fairness, I haven't had a Sunday to paint in three weeks, but yeah, I feel ya.
