Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm Starting To Question My Dedication

Six years ago if someone said to me "Get those twelve minis assembled and painted ASAP," I would've had it done in a week, tops.

Now I've been looking at my Blood Bowl team for more than a week. They're primed. That's it.

I've been trying to get them going for the last four days, but no dice. I've been busy, to be fair, but that would've never held me up in '03. I can't even blame the kids! The lil' blighters grew up and moved out...

So tomorrow I'm painting. No excuses, no delays. Tomorrow I start.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Just Like Ol' Times

Broke out the Outrider shirt, packed up the laptop and headed to the local shop to run the Fantasy Ard Boyz tourney.

Good times...

Had a small crowd but the games were awesome and everyone was great.

Man, do I miss doing that...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Lucky Find

In searching thru my accumulated Blood Bowl stuff I found the famed Frank N. Stein, Golem Star Player!

He will play the part of my second Flesh Golem for the Necro BB Team, which is still unnamed...

I'll try and post a picture of Frank tonight.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Necromantic Blood Bowl Team

I started the Blood Bowl team for The BBCS at Kubla next year. The models were in pretty good shape and didn't require hours of clean up.

I got them all on their bases and then hit my first snag. Once upon a time I had two tubes of Squadron Putty, which is great for filling in the gaps on the bases. I went looking and couldn't find any...:(
I work pretty close to a hobby shop so I should be able to get some for tomorrow.

Until next time.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Here I Am

Well, all the cool kids seem to have one of these blogs, so I figured I would jump on the band wagon.

I am a 44 year old man who plays with toy soldiers. I know, the shame of it all. I play all manner of games, some of which are Warhammer 40K, Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Blood Bowl, Space Hulk, Warmachine, Hordes, Rezolution, Wargods and probably a couple I've forgotten. I also play Board Games such as Twilight Imperium, Runebound, Attack!, Zombies and others.

Let's not forget the RPGs. DnD 3.5, D20 Modern/Future, Pathfinder, Traveller d20, Dark Heresy and I own several more.

Every year I travel to the west coast for KublaCon (www.kublacon.com). One of two Cons I attend as often as possible. While in the Bay Area I get to hang out with my friends Corey and Trent, who I don't get to see any other time of the year. We try to get as many games in as we can over the five day weekend, usually getting into the upper teens. It's easily one of my favorite weekends all year.

The other con I go to is TempleCon (www.templecon.org). It's a small yet growing con that includes a lot of Warmachine (Privateer Press loves this con, just ask them), Warhammer 40K, Warhammer Fantasy Battles, Board Games aplenty, card games, RPG's, artists, musicians, dancers and more. You are encouraged to check them out.

I am going to Kubla with some new (well, newer) toys this year. I have a brandy new Imperial Guard army, the Rigard 1103rd. I will be assembling, painting, playing and selling them (in that order) for the con. I will also be putting together a new Necromantic Blood Bowl team, who are unnamed as of now.

I will be starting the BB Team tomorrow. I'll post some pics of my progress occassionally, along with infrequent (I'm sure) updates.

Until then...